Foggy Mustard and Hexie Love…

Hello there! How has your week been? It’s been back to normal for us and a full week back at work for me and nursery for Little Pickle. He was certainly very tired this evening and we’re all looking forward to our long weekend.

Time seems to be galloping along so fast at the moment and this week I’ve felt the need to slow down a bit. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks…I’m very guilty of this. I’ve been driving past the same field for over two years and only this week noticed how beautiful it was fully in bloom with its bright yellow mustard flowers.

Foggy Mustard

On the morning I took this there was a low misty fog and the yellow looked very atmospheric against the slate sky…a lovely colour palette that is one of my favourites.

I think my reason for wanting to slow down is the thought that Little Pickle only has one term left at nursery before he starts school. On one hand I feel so excited that he will soon be starting a new adventure in his little life but this is mixed with a long list of Mummy worries about how he will manage and cope with the change. I’ve also realised recently how much I’m going to miss him. He has been my constant little companion for the last four years. Our journey together hasn’t always been easy, Little Pickle is likely to have an autism diagnosis soon and this has given us a lot of hurdles that we’ve had to tackle together. He has made me see things through a fresh pair of  innocent eyes and after a period of great sadness in my life brought me back to life and gave me the greatest happiness. I hope you don’t mind me sharing this with you. It’s been on my mind for a while now and it feels better to have given my worries a bit of an airing.

This week I had a special crafting project for a lovely friend’s birthday. I recently treated myself to The Liberty Book of Simple Sewing (a £6.99 bargain from The Works!) and there was a tutorial for a drawstring bag. There are so many wonderful projects in this book that I’ll have to write about them properly another time. I had a good study of the pattern and decided on a design that would incorporate some hexies from my stash and also some embroidery, at the same time testing some waste canvas that was a free gift with an embroidery magazine.


It was hard picking which hexies I would use but I eventually decided on pale pinks and blues….

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The little cross stitch pattern was from a great find lurking at the back of a second-hand book shelf…I love a find like this! I used waste canvas to stitch the design and was so pleased with the reults. I will most definitely be buying some more.


The bag was finished with two little heart buttons…


and the pink and white ribbon from my Mother’ Day present…

I was so pleased with this little bag and think that they might be teacher gifts for Little Pickle’s nursery staff.

In other news…it’s wisteria time…oh my…I LOVE Wisteria…the colour, the shape…so beautiful.


Wisteria love…



3 thoughts on “Foggy Mustard and Hexie Love…

  1. Crooked Tracks says:

    Maybe you can help out once in a while at your child’s school, he sounds like a special little guy ❤

  2. Jo Navin says:

    It takes courage to share your feelings but that’s a very positive thing to do. I hope your journey ahead is filled with happiness and love. Your photo of the yellow field is so atmospheric and I’m with you on the wisteria love 🙂 Jo xx

  3. Pingback: Three Cushions and a Rainbow… |

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